Monday, September 17, 2007


Being a huge Elliott Smith fan I wanted to post this find I had a few years ago. I found it in a small indie record store in Philadelphia a few years back. "No Name B Side And Live" is a bootleg CD that gathers rare, live, compilation, and vinyl only tracks. Many of these tracks were NOT featured on the "New Moon" album that was just released and featured rare tracks as well. The best part of the album is the last 10 tracks that feature a live set and an interview with Elliott from a KCRW radio performance. Enjoy!

ELLIOTT SMITH - "No Name B Side And Live"


Anonymous said...

thank you thank you thank you for this. i am an obsessive fan. xo.

METRO/SEA said...

your welcome. i am too! if anyone has any rare elliott stuff please share some links here. thanks!

Anonymous said...

brilliant stuff. you made my day, boy (or better: my early morning; 'cause it's about 3am over here...)... fuckin' hell, this elliot guy was a genius... where do these tunes come from? amazing.

Anonymous said...

what year did this come out? is there label credit on it?

thanks so much.